Sunday, April 12, 2009


The one line that I thought was the most interesting from "The Story of Aristomenes" was, " 'I refuse to admit, in theory, that anything in this world is impossible; to do so would be to set myself above the Power that pre-destines all human experience" (18). This idea is perhaps not so complex to us today because we all know of the saying, "anything is possible if you just believe." I cannot remember just where I heard that and perhaps it is something that has always been floating around and no one person can claim it. Nothing is impossible. It is so simple, yet so complex. We have sucha hard time believing that anything can happen. There must be a catch somewhere that will prevent it from happening. As humans, there are limits everywhere to what we can do, so to be able to have anything happen is beyond our comprehension. It is a fairy-tale. Yet, remember, if you believe, it is possible, and the story of Aristomenes reminds us of that.

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