Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Beauty and Dying

I've been pondering alot of what prof. Sexson has taught us over the semester and when I was going through my notes, I came across this line: People are not beautiful in spite of dying, they are beautiful because they die. I thought it was very powerful when Sexson said it and I still think that it is powerful. Sure, people can be beautiful on the outside, but that beauty fades in time. At the end, the beauty that one is left with is the beauty that they have on the inside. Man, that sounds really, really sappy, but it is true. You know that there will be an end to that person's life, that they won't be around forever. So, you ahve to cherish all of the moments, and learn all of the wisdom, and gain all the experiences you can have with someone because when they die, there will be nothing more. Everything that you have done or said or seen with that person will all the more beautiful because that is all that you have left. Their death makes things beautiful.

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