Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Old People

I am going to take this time to complain about old people. I know that we've talked a lot about them over the semester concerning choruses and wisdom and all of that, but the epiphany that I have had this semester is that old people can be the meanest people on the planet. I know we were suppose to go assault an old person at some point and my only problem is that I don't need to stop assaulting old people, the old people need to stop assaulting me. I work JoAnn Fabrics in the mall and we have these old ladies who come and I've been hugged by them, but I've also been yelled at by them. It's like Creon complaining about Antigone and youth and young people knowing their place. I just have them complaining about proper manners and salesmanship. Last week, this lady called complaining about how we had placed some items on hold for her and because she had not shown up to buy them, we had put them away. "I don't think it would be all that hard to hold them a little while longer," she tells me, over the phone because she has still not put the effort to coming in. I'm sorry, but I have rules that I have to follow and if you don't like them, don't complain to me because I can't do anything about it.

Anyways, now whenever I have old people as mean customers, I just tell myself that I'm living one of Steiner's conflicts and that that person is Creon and I'm Antigone and I'm simply standing up for what I believe in! (Even if I don't really believe it)

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