Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Over and over again

It's snowing outside right now and it has been doing so all day long. This is nothing new to those of us who have lived anytime in the north. Winter comes and winter goes and we will live through the same cycle year after year, century afer century. I have to wonder just how often someone jsut like me has looked out their window at the beginning of Spring and sighed, watching the endless white flakes fall to the ground. I did the same thing last spring and the spring before that and the spring before that. My entire memory is a series of repititions. I share these same experiences with the many others who have lived before me and sighed. For most of my life I have thought that I only shared this trait with others who live around me at this precise moment in time, but the truth is that people have been doing the same thing since the very beginning. I have merely forgotten that there are others in the past who have watched the snow and sighed. I suppose than that I have never truly been alone. While I watch the snow and feel melancholy settle upon my shoulders, I am sharing this moment with thousands of others. It makes the world a less scary place to live in. The snow becomes a doorway to the past and to the memories of everyone who has watched the white flakes fall from the sky and felt sad. I now know those memories and thoughts, I have known them my entire life.

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